How to wear square scarves: the bias fold

Article published at: Dec 16, 2023
How to wear square scarves: the bias fold
All Silky Tales

Square scarves aren't intuitive. They're amazing, so versatile, but totally not intuitive. The first time I came across one I basically froze, then summarily dumped it in a drawer. However, for all their huh factor, square scarves are quite easy to use and can become many things: ties, cravats, relaxed cowls, capes, kimonos. 

But first things first: let's remove the tricky aspect of a square scarf, namely its squareness. To use a square scarf like you would any other long rectangular scarf in the world, one needs to know little trick called the Bias Fold.

Goes like this:

1. Place the scarf face down on a flat surface (the bed, or the floor)

scarf bias fold

2. Fold two opposite corners toward the centre of the scarf.

scarf bias fold

3. Fold the corners again toward the centre of the scarf (and repeat one more if you want to end up with a skinnier rectangle). Now you have a bias fold.

scarf bias fold

4. Tie the resulting rectangle around your neck using either a knot or a scarf ring, etc.

scarf bias fold


Another easy way of using a square scarf is to start with the Triangle Fold

1. Place the scarf face down on a flat surface (the bed, or the floor)

scarf bias fold
2. Fold the scarf on a diagonal, to obtain a triangle.
scarf bias fold
3. Tie the corners of the long edge of the resulting triangle around your neck - and here you have the cowl drape.
scarf bias fold
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