SchreberMeister Logo Design

Article published at: Jul 28, 2016
SchreberMeister Logo Design
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At first there was the Schrebergarten

Daniel Gottlob Moritz Schreber (October 15, 1808 - November 10, 1861) was a German physician and university teacher at University of Leipzig, famous for a variety of controversial ideas, but also for the iconic Schrebergartens, tiny plots of land leased to youth for the purpose of gardening.

Schreber advocated both his "systematic remedial exercises" and countryside exercise for urban youth and demanded playgrounds out of town, as free space for children to move about was too limited in urban mansions. Finally in 1864, three years after Schreber's death, Leipzig school principal Ernst Innozenz Hauschild established the first "Schrebergarten", by leasing land for the physical exercise of children. The idea quickly took off, but it was during World War I and World War II that the gardens rapidly rose in importance as sources of otherwise hard-to-get fresh fruit and vegetables.

Nowadays, Schrebergarten colonies are an unmistakable feature of German suburbia, particularly if you travel anywhere by train. Ordered, trimmed, enclosed, ornamental, they feature floral and vegetal displays and tableaux of garden gnomes. As for people, they’re only temporary visitors, because however fabulous the garden – and some are very fancy –one of the many hundreds of rules is that a Schrebergarten is non-residential.


But what to do if you don't get your hands on one?

Given how difficult these Schrebergartens are to come by, SchreberMeister came up with a new spin on the old idea: a tiny space is used for gardening - but instead of it being an out-of-twon garden plot, it is a collection of bottles in your own livingroom, kitchen or terrace. An environment-friendly way of recycling bottles, growing your own fancy herbs or plants and expressing your individuality at the same time.

The designers of these gardens-in-a-bottle come from all walks of life and bring their very own unique touch to this already very unique enterprise.

SchreberMeister Logo Design
SchreberMeister Logo Design

And so to work; the inspiration came from organic brands like Logan Wines and vintage hand-written typography.

SchreberMeister Logo Design

The Sketch (aka The Easy Part) 

SchreberMeister Logo Design

The Vectorising (Where This Get Complicated) 


SchreberMeister Logo Design
SchreberMeister Logo Design
SchreberMeister Logo Design
SchreberMeister Logo Design
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